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What, When & Where

The next Conserve Sauk Film Festival will be held on Saturday, November 4, 2023 at UW-Platteville Baraboo Sauk County in Baraboo, Wisconsin. 


Tickets are FREE and will be available online at in August 2023.





The 2023 Festival will include screenings of a wide array of conservation focused films. The event will also include facilitated discussions on the films and their themes. Local organizations will share information about conservation efforts and opportunities for involvement.


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Why A Film Festival?

Conserve Sauk Film Festival will educate attendees and participants about important resources, environmental challenges we face, best management practices that can be implemented on farms or in our own yards, and lessons we can draw from significant environmental history or historical figures. We hope to inspire creative thought, discussion, and potential solutions to these challenges.



Our Philosophy

Through this festival we will better understand and appreciate the natural beauty and resources of the area, celebrate our conservation successes, reflect upon our relationship to the environment, address challenges that we face, consider how we can be part of the solution, and connect as a county and a community over our shared world.


Our concept of community includes the land itself. As Aldo Leopold, one of the many conservation figures to leave his mark on Sauk County, said, "We abuse land because we regard it as a commodity belonging to us. When we see land as a community to which we belong, we may begin to use it with love and respect."



The opinions, beliefs and viewpoints expressed in the films screened at the Conserve Sauk Film Festival do not (necessarily) reflect the opinions of CSFF or its committee and the organizations they represent. The film festival is designed to provide the audience with opportunities to experience different viewpoints and ideas through the shared viewing of films with diverse topics and by then having an opportunity to engage in respectful discussion about the topics presented in the films.


We invite you to be a part of this project and celebrate the beauty and conservation legacy and future of Sauk County.

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